Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy 2010
Thur- 31st –Dec-09 Press Statement
Tonight we cross over to the New Year 2010; events that have happened this year are quite many but some still haunt in our minds and live us with innumerable questions left unanswered.
These can’t miss death of characters like Brian Bukenya Son of Vice President, Major Gen Kazini amongst other important citizens.
The question that Ugandans are asking is how in the upcoming year we stand to combat all risks that would bring us into agony and tears as it has been this year.
We the People’s Development Party argue our government to stand equipped in confronting all challenges facing our country.
We do not want to see our people with there property perishing in fire outbreaks.
We demand that the government waits not for big figures getting involved in accidents to work on roads. Many roads, dusty, crooked, narrow, full of portholes and have no traffic signs.
We demand for the pay rise of teacher’s doctors and many civil servants salaries.
We ask the Ministry of Health to provide enough drugs in hospitals to treat our people.
We also ask the government to look for market of our farmers’ produces as the Sudanese market slows down as peace is trying to restore in the country.
We ask this government to lower tuition in public universities to enable our children study uninterrupted.
If it’s possible U.P.E & U.S.E programmes should be substituted with Free University Education because it’s better for a parent to toil with the children at the lower level than in higher institutions of learning. Helping a kid up to secondary and abandon him there won’t guarantee any future for that kid as the job trend today requires at least a diploma; the government should listen.
We want in this upcoming year to see the corrupt ministers knifed alongside other government corrupt officials.
And finally we want the prices of commodities to lower to enable convenient life for our people in the rest of the country
Otherwise we wish Ugandans here and in Diaspora a year of prosperity, financial increase and stability, security, good healthy and on top of that a morally up right and free society.
Happy 2010.
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
People’s Development Party National Coordinator.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Uganda`s Economic Potential Lies Within Us;Kivumbi.
March/1st/2010 is the D-Day for the implementation of the East African Common Market Protocol. The People’s Development Party looks forward to seeing this come true.
It would be extra-ordinarily good if Uganda utilized the remaining period of time ahead for productive preparations.
This will guarantee a gross and rapid increment in our country’s economic potential, job security, unlimited market, free movement of our people alongside there goods & services.
Had this been done before; it’s clear and relatively possible that our business people, our farmers, students and service providers would be reaping by now.
Besides foreign earnings, Uganda’s major source of income is agricultural based implying that we still have time to reach and competent favorably with Kenya which is more industrialized.
At the moment Kenya’s industrial power extends beyond Nairobi to Nakuru, Kisumu, Eldoret, Kericho & Mombasa therefore Uganda’s comparative advantage in terms of Kenya’s economic strength is agricultural based.
The People’s Development Party is still worried that much as our government assures us that Uganda’s relation with her neighbors is stable-this is sarcastic and quite ironical!!
We do not see why Tanzania continues to haunt our people residing there!
It’s now twice when thousands of our people are ordered to leave TZ.
Our people at the bordering line with Kenya remain victims of torturous acts by our neighbors that side; we can’t deny that once in a while Ugandans have provoked and at times offended Kenya’s nationals; buts it’s just too much from that side.
Not cattle rustling, robbery, theft I mean it’s important and urgent that both sides reform.
The truth is
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Climate is the defining challenge our time;Kivumbi Re-affirms to Journalists
, scientists have confirmed this.
Lake Victoria and many other water bodies have continuously been polluted-garbage, sewage and industrial chemical waste have not ceased to be dumped there, and God help us.
Ugandans remember the previous reductions of water levels which resulted into load shedding.
Do we want this to happen again?
We know that the safest way of reducing climate risks is to reduce emissions.
We know that taking early actions makes good business sense.
And we know the cost of inaction will be much bigger than the cost of action now.
The People’s Development Party says that the time has come and indeed the time is now;
We must change our attitude towards the environment and climate, we better get serious.
We may never get a better opportunity and if the world’s scientists are right, we may not get a second chance!
World leaders are meeting early next month in Copenhagen Denmark; we must harness the necessary political will to Seal the Deal on an ambitious new Climate Agreement.
I have the list of Ugandans who have Sealed the Deal so far but it’s quite embarrassing that the people I expected to be on list have not! Those politicians, Government officials, Members of Parliament, Ministers, Activists yiyi not even our Head of State!
Which explanation can they give?
There always on the internet, even those who can’t access it would do it from the Post Office on Kampala Rd since the banner has been there for the last 3 month.
Are they against or for climate crisis?
The chance is still open at the Post office and on for all people to sign.
They should go now before the summit.
The right kind of Deal will provide the regulation certainty and long term price signals that businesses are demanding.
We know that Deal can unleash investment, stimulate innovation and facilitate the global spread of Low-Carbon Technology to enable trade to underpin development, spread green solutions and usher in the green economy.
We live in an interconnected world.
Effective agreement in Copenhagen would be a powerful vote of confidence in multilateralism.
God bless Uganda
God bless our planet.
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
Friday, November 20, 2009
Kivumbi analysis with Press & Media.
Thursday-12th Nov 09
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin PDP National Co-dinator.
With all efforts applied to make sure that the image of military police and other security organs is polished, it appears still before the public that this will be along term process.
Terror and intimidation by members of these security organs against individuals remains a worrying problem which must be solved.
The People’s Development Party (PDP) is concerned about the civilians who were victimized by the tortuous acts of three combat men who had come for laundry services at White Rose a laundry shop next to St Paul Book & Media Center slightly opposed Ambassador house on Kampala Rd recently.
The people who passed by- wondered whether we’re in Baghdad or Mogadishu if not in the forests of Galamba hunting for Kony!
The three militia men kept on ordering whoever passed by not to step near the Laundry shop and if you were a customer you had to make transactions from outside or never! One of them covered with open bullets allover his body, smoking and all of them in dark spectacles.
Yes, the fact that I wasn’t a customer at that time but flabbergasted by the situation forced to me cross the road and attempted to enter place to see what they would do to me and for heaven’s sake I wasn’t allowed.
The female attendant was called to come and attend to me from outside.
Swahili and little English are the languages one of them used while talking to me and because it was too much for me I went and called a police man who was passing by on the opposite side to come and witness all this terror and if need be- stop it but when I came with him, himself feared and walked away in panic.
I wasn’t contented; I walked to the Central Police Station and in room 8 -I was assured that the matter would be put to control though I insisted that they should give me Kaihura`s mobile number to report the situation for he once proposed even for arrest of Traffic officers who operate with guns-a sign of terrorizing civilians he stated.
I wrote and talked to the Army Spokes man on phone the following day, wrote to the Minister of Defense and Minister of security and notified them about the incidence and the need to regulate the activities of the members the security organs.
PDP wonders whether this is state desirable by Ugandans to be governed.
What did countries like Mauritius do enable an atmosphere that allows policemen to hold batons in public places? This is an Independent country in Africa not Switzerland a European country!
Where is the problem, is it we the civilians or?
Can’t we resolve our own problems?
A few Presidents in the East Africa region can walk on the street freely without threatening security.
It’s hard for some of them go and watch football in studious in there own countries!
Well, the Police Act and Fire Arms Act make it clear that unless otherwise an armed officer is not meant to use a gun against a criminal suspect while effecting an arrest especially when the suspect is not armed or a threat in anyway. Effecting an arrest with a fire arm against some one who is not armed with unreasonable force is totally undesirable under penal code.
We ask the authorities not to deploy heavy machinery in public unless in chaotic circumstances. In many cases security officers misuse them against civilians like how Nicholas Michunguzi did at Top Pub.
Its not too long when a taxi driver was short by an armed officer, similar offenses in Mukono where an officer killed his wife, we propose that fire arms should be deposited to custodians before them going back home to reduce cases of domestic violence that have claimed lives.
For God and My Country.
Kivumbi analysis with Press & Media.
Thursday-12th Nov 09
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin PDP National Co-dinator.
With all efforts applied to make sure that the image of military police and other security organs is polished, it appears still before the public that this will be along term process.
Terror and intimidation by members of these security organs against individuals remains a worrying problem which must be solved.
The People’s Development Party (PDP) is concerned about the civilians who were victimized by the tortuous acts of three combat men who had come for laundry services at White Rose a laundry shop next to St Paul Book & Media Center slightly opposed Ambassador house on Kampala Rd recently.
The people who passed by- wondered whether we’re in Baghdad or Mogadishu if not in the forests of Galamba hunting for Kony!
The three militia men kept on ordering whoever passed by not to step near the Laundry shop and if you were a customer you had to make transactions from outside or never! One of them covered with open bullets allover his body, smoking and all of them in dark spectacles.
Yes, the fact that I wasn’t a customer at that time but flabbergasted by the situation forced to me cross the road and attempted to enter place to see what they would do to me and for heaven’s sake I wasn’t allowed.
The female attendant was called to come and attend to me from outside.
Swahili and little English are the languages one of them used while talking to me and because it was too much for me I went and called a police man who was passing by on the opposite side to come and witness all this terror and if need be- stop it but when I came with him, himself feared and walked away in panic.
I wasn’t contented; I walked to the Central Police Station and in room 8 -I was assured that the matter would be put to control though I insisted that they should give me Kaihura`s mobile number to report the situation for he once proposed even for arrest of Traffic officers who operate with guns-a sign of terrorizing civilians he stated.
I wrote and talked to the Army Spokes man on phone the following day, wrote to the Minister of Defense and Minister of security and notified them about the incidence and the need to regulate the activities of the members the security organs.
PDP wonders whether this is state desirable by Ugandans to be governed.
What did countries like Mauritius do enable an atmosphere that allows policemen to hold batons in public places? This is an Independent country in Africa not Switzerland a European country!
Where is the problem, is it we the civilians or?
Can’t we resolve our own problems?
A few Presidents in the East Africa region can walk on the street freely without threatening security.
It’s hard for some of them go and watch football in studious in there own countries!
Well, the Police Act and Fire Arms Act make it clear that unless otherwise an armed officer is not meant to use a gun against a criminal suspect while effecting an arrest especially when the suspect is not armed or a threat in anyway. Effecting an arrest with a fire arm against some one who is not armed with unreasonable force is totally undesirable under penal code.
We ask the authorities not to deploy heavy machinery in public unless in chaotic circumstances. In many cases security officers misuse them against civilians like how Nicholas Michunguzi did at Top Pub.
Its not too long when a taxi driver was short by an armed officer, similar offenses in Mukono where an officer killed his wife, we propose that fire arms should be deposited to custodians before them going back home to reduce cases of domestic violence that have claimed lives.
For God and My Country.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Kivumbi Considers Limbos 2 be The World,s Resourceful & Richest Places In His Letter to Tororo Municipality Member of Parliament.
Dear;Member of Parliament
Tororo Municipality
Hon Tanna
Your Hon Sir, allow me to appreciate the services that I consider worthy-while and excellent amidst the challenges we face as a country.
Your continued efforts to unite all people cannot go unearthed.
Tonight Sir, I am here to share with you a few things concerning the journey while claiming a future;
I considered this approach as accurate and more comprehensive rather than talking face to face in respect to your extensive schedule that keeps you so busy that a times Immediately after lectures you just have to go.
I think you must have realized why I am popular at LDC especially before Lecturers and bar course students which was one contributory factor to our close winning in the last Guild Presidential elections.
My aliagnment with the Diploma in Law candidate as the Chief Campaigning coordinator was a blessing and had we done it slightly some good days before, the 11 votes that our opponent traversed would be unachievable and voidable!
But that’s how it came up, “the winner always takes it all."
Your Hon Sir, an inclusion of this has been to bring to your notice something that I am obliged to say now while articulating the depth of my journey.
Had it went well, I would be among the students waiting for the results of the final exams!
As a student of 2008/09, I was expectant and much optimistic to see my dream of becoming an Advocate sailing with ease; however in controversy my labour for this has only attracted a Ray Grimmer of Hope.
I had to write to Mr. Elijah Wante (Director LDC) explaining how the hurricanes of economic depression were hitting me exceptionally & exclusively in the pockets and that meeting my tuition would be a miracle which eventually manifested irresistible.
I couldn’t make it-not only during the Initials but also by the time many of my colleagues who had passed and were looking forward to the finals;
For me I remained freezed in the mountains of hopelessness & wet like a wild cat in the heavy rains!
I however finished the year with some gratitude that much as I failed on a narrow escape towards the Guild office as a President, I was given an award of the Most Social Law Scholar in the entire LDC.
{All Attachments made}
My struggles to hell with the limitations and stumbling blocks in my path were full of passion and enthusiasm.
I wrote to hundreds of dignitaries in both Electronic and Physical Mail not under-estimating my efforts in knocking on their office doors especially those within the country.
The results only fetched a few pennies which could not even sustain my transport costs for 50 days.
At one time I wondered why certain people walk while talking to themselves but when I discovered that angles of life are not fair while bending towards earth dwellers-I stopped murmuring about it.
It’s vividly exceptional that many citizens on this planet are not less productive and neither are their hands weak nor their brains less inventive but it`s only that the forces of nature just like life are not equal and opposite, so is it to them.
And If we are to ever search for the world’s richest & resourceful places then we shall not have to go to oceans and seas but to Limbos!
Because many people die without their Dreams coming true, so all they contained in their heads are what the Limbos now keep, what a painful fact!
Your Honor, It`s upon this point that, I wish to Reclaim My Dream, Am gonna ask you as a son, perhaps a brother, a no body except a citizen on the glob a Future President of Africa-Come one Day;
I request you to heal my deep invisible bruises and scars; need be hold from your grunt or allowance,
Perhaps your little salary but; bless me with some money to meet the US $ 1052.63 Roughly 2m Ug X in order to study and see what God has for me next meanwhile.
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Bagdad, Mogadishu & Garamba in broad-Day light on Kampala Rd! What a Shame!
It`s Thur- 08th Oct-2009, 14:17 Hrs GMT and If you`re walking or driving along Kampala-Bombo Rd right now your witnessing a situation close to that in Baghdad or Mogadishu if not in the forests of Garamba huntint for Kony!
Holding guns, wearing dark spectacles, smoking proudly with gloomy intimidating faces and odering people not to walk infront Rose Washing Dry Cleaner next to St Paul Book & Media Center and slightly opposite Ambassador house.
No! No! theres not neen for one to wear bulets allover his body, I reject and oppose that.
I must go to CPS (Central Police Station) to report the matter otherwise theres no justification for any cuase in this. Why do they have to make us hate our country with all this fear, terror and intimidation?
What a shame?
Holding guns, wearing dark spectacles, smoking proudly with gloomy intimidating faces and odering people not to walk infront Rose Washing Dry Cleaner next to St Paul Book & Media Center and slightly opposite Ambassador house.
No! No! theres not neen for one to wear bulets allover his body, I reject and oppose that.
I must go to CPS (Central Police Station) to report the matter otherwise theres no justification for any cuase in this. Why do they have to make us hate our country with all this fear, terror and intimidation?
What a shame?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Report About IPC by Kivumbi at Parliament
this has brought us inevitable laughter because The Man hells Museveni unchallenged. ‘Gentlemen and ladies allow me invite Mr. John Ssebana Kizito to make some remarks. We believe D.P will join the cooperation thou it was one of the pioneers and latter it left.’ The Man has said. Ssebana while beginning his address has stressed a point of correction and clarification.
“I want to correct the Chairman of Inter-Party cooperation when he said, we were one of the pioneers of the cooperation and later we left, this is wrong; Actually we got hold of the document which the four parties signed and we were still making consultation with our party members.” Upon this from the audience is some murmuring- “Till when shall end the consultations?” and it’s like the D.P boss hasn't’t heard anything! “We make decisions after through consultation, we are soon sitting in the Delegates Conference and one of the agendas is this. With this correction thou Ken looks like he hasn't’t heard it, Ssebana expresses his dis-satisfactions over the arrogance of the party in power, He says it has used intimidation to suppress the opposition and strongly says this is something we must fight, not physically but with basis. “ I remember Lt Samson Kiseka complaining that for the four month spent with President Museveni-he had not seen him answering a phone call.” Mr. Ssebana has said.
He has continued to characterize this government with intimidation, using money to buy votes and regrets the mismanagement of the Electro Commission results. When Hajji Badru who is in for Mama Maria as earlier said makes his address we says “ let us never try to recite history in defense of our personal interest, we shall not move and do not forget a stick in time saves nine” Outstanding politicians on the main table are done and right now Lukuyamuzi is giving the flow delegates an opportunity to contribute to this dialog but this time it’s not by show of hands rather his own appointment so the first must he’s pointing at is Social Democratic Party (SDP) Leader Hon Michael Mabike.
“I can see my colleagues are so excited but I lead the fastest growing political party in not only Uganda but in East, Central & Western Sahara,” At this point the house laughs the more. Hon Mabike confesses that no single party can take the movement alone, “we need combined efforts” he adds; “The battle must go on, the battle must be sustained regardless of the number of parliamentarians we have which is 57 compared to NRM with 211;”
As I finalize however, we have forgotten two important reforms we must include; number is Feudalism as said by Dr Besigye and second Election Finance Law. Clapping in the house
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I think I am the next reporter to be arrested and this should not be a surprise to East Africans and all citizens of the world.
The situation has grown intense and each minute that passes by tension, fear, insecurity & intimidation continues to infringe in the hearts of journalists, reporters, presenters, moderators and in the eyes of the public.
While in the conference with president Museveni yesterday alongside politicians, and religious leaders of all sects at Hotel Africana-Nile Hall discussing sustainable reconciliation, peace & justice, two more outstanding and prominent members of the media were arrested.
Robert Serumaji of spectrum 7:00pm-8:00pm Radio One, Mon-Fri, was arrested though acquitted on police bound with caution of not presenting and moderating again!
Just immediately when Peter Kibazo (Radio Simba-6:00pm- 8:00pm, Mon-Fri) had finished his program on WBS TV, was besieged and arrested. Till now he hasn’t been realized.
At the beginning of this week a television & another radio journalist were arrest in Kayunga, Bugerere where the Kabaka –Youth function was supposed to take place but made impossible by president Museveni!
Tonight I stand fearlessly and unchallenged by any one who claims journalist are inciting violence while executing there services as required;
I demand for the immediate and thorough realize of Serumaji, I insist that Peter Kibazo and other programmers of ‘Binsangawano’ early morning program on radio Simba be reinstated unconditionally.
We can’t stay silent when CBS, Radio Sapentia, Ssubi Fm, & Kaboozi Stations turned off by the National Broadcasting Council on orders from above;
In the first case who is that above?
This is the time we must show solidarity as Ugandans here and in the Diaspora, you must join me in sending a direct massage to these perpetrators on tension, affliction & intimidation.
President Museveni and his counter parts in authority must abandon there despotic character that has caused anarchy and suppression for our country, and the time is now!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The likelihood of me attending this memorial lecture today by Prof Amazrui –New York is unlimited.
Prof is expected to address over 700 university students in the university main hall today at 2:00pm.
From my inquiries with different politicians and scholars from various universities this week, we expect the MUK alumni to leave no stone unturned!
Instilling and inculcating revolutionary ideals of nationalism ad pan Africans in minds of the young generation is a must phenomenal-him being the son of the land.
We also expect him to empathize with the students whose fees has been hiked with 20-30% increment.
Above all we expect this lectures to unveil various loopholes ahead of 2011 Uganda Presidential elections.
I’ll be there guys with John Ken Lukyamuzi, Amazrui long time comrade.
See you there if you can please.
Friday, June 26, 2009
The battle is not yet over ladies and gentlemen.
When president Museveni failed to win an election in 80s he decided to convince Kabaka to fight a bush war in one of his territories famously known as Luwero triangle and we can’t tell by which method but all we know he succeeded and became president and he has “ruled” not “led” Ugandans for 23 years now.
This implies that when the character fails to take leadership by peaceful means he resorts to a gun and when the character needs to rule extensively be bribes the parliament.
Anyway we do not care because nobody new that at one time Amin the field Marshal would be buried in a nation thousands of miles away from his home land.
No body new still that Mubuthu Seseseko with all the wealth he had could be buried like a standing man!
Have we forgotten that even dictator Adolph Hitler committed suicide when he threw himself in acid?
This perhaps should be enough for this despot to know that a nation is a nation and it’s made up of people and once they decide democratically that you should go so you should.
You do not have to interfere with the judicially, Electro Commission, Army, Police, and Parliament and even suppress opposition members not forgetting harassing and bribing voters for you to implement your life presidency ambitions yet you once claimed that ..” problem with African leaders is that they stay to long in power.”
Your honor Mr. president Museveni if you have failed to win the opposition in Kampala you should not decide to takeover Kampala forcefully no should you create more districts to have more cadres and even get rid of districts that do not vote you.
We insist that you’ll not takeover Kampala nor must you takeover Buganda land by extending the city.
Just get an example of New York City or London.
Does it mean that the mayors necessary should be of the ruling party/ government?
I swear you will not take over Kampala.
Monday, June 8, 2009
The incident was reported to a local human rights organization. According to the report, David O. was initially arrested by members of the Kalangala Action Plan, and the torture allegedly took place in their presence. Subsequently the case developed its own momentum....
Two of the soldiers came up to him, placed him under arrest, asked him about his home, and started beating him with the butts of their guns.One soldier, addressing Stephen in Kiswahili, ordered him to run but Stephen did not understand him and ignored the order. The other soldier, from Teso in eastern Uganda, told him (in a language he understood) to run....
UPDF forces and officials of other government-related military security agencies have committed and are still continuing committing multiple abuses against the human rights of northern Ugandans, including summary execution, torture, rape, child recruitment, and inhuman conditions of detention in unauthorized detention locations.
They are rarely prosecuted for crimes committed against civilians. Even when UPDF abuses have been investigated, the investigations have sometimes been kept internal and therefore have created an appearance of impunity, which has not improved public trust.UPDF responses to allegations of abuses against civilians, such as rape, unlawful killing, and torture, range from the crime going unpunished, to being "punished" by transferring the accused, to the court martial of some individual soldiers without proper investigation, all the way to the rare court martial. Often it appears that the action followed, or the punishment meted out is at the sole discretion of the individual UPDF field commander.For example, the storming of Gulu Prison by UPDF Soldiers.The UPDF has committed summary (extra judicial) execution and torture of captives since Operation Iron Fist began. Since the last time when four UPDF mambas (armored vehicles) full of UPDF soldiers raided Gulu Prison under the command of the head of military intelligence of Operation Iron Fist, Lt. Col. Charles Awany Otema. According to eyewitness reports by prison inmates and confirmed by the assistant superintendent of Gulu Central Prison, prison authorities (wardens) refused entry to the soldiers after the UPDF officers failed to produce a search warrant or any other document permitting them to enter.During the raid, the UPDF soldiers beat and pushed aside the prison wardens, as they forced their way into the prison. Captain Rugadia, of the intelligence division of Internal Security, ordered twenty-three prisoners by name out of their cells. A UPDF officer singled out a prisoner known as "Yumbe," Peter Oloya, who was accused of planning to escape from the prison. That officer then ordered the soldiers to shoot Peter Oloya.The prison wardens rejected this accusation and tried to stop the killing, arguing with the UPDF that no one would try to escape from the prison with so many soldiers present, and therefore there was no reason to shoot any prisoner. Nevertheless, the UPDF soldiers shot Peter Oloya in the back, with the bullet exiting his chest. Everyone panicked and another prisoner was almost shot.The UPDF soldiers hastily loaded the twenty-two prisoners, together with the dead body of Peter Oloya, on the mambas, ordering them to lie down flat.
They took the prisoners straight to the quarter guard at the army barracks detention center in Gulu. The UPDF took Peter Oloya's body away and has not released it to his relatives for burial as of the writing of this report. The UPDF claimed it had to move the prisoners from Gulu Prison based on military intelligence's discovery of a planned rescue attempt by the LRA.This event, and the subsequent torture of the prisoners at the Gulu barracks, has generated a number of civil suits, and actions by many human rights bodies such as UHRC, Amnesty International, etc. Leave alone many unreported arrest, detention, killing of civilians by the UPDF soldiers.These days is even worst under the command of Operation Iron Fist, Lt. Col. Charles Awany Otema, because the UPDF soldiers would falsely suspect you of being a rebel or rebels collaborators. On suspecting you, they will arrest you, torture or ill-treat and detain you in the military barrack. Sometimes they arrest you and dress you in military uniform and begin claiming that they caught you in the battlefront fighting against the government alongside the rebels. This happened to so many people who are civilians, some even students.
The best-known case of this kind occurred in Nwoya county last February 2005 where a man by name Opoka, a farmer was accused first of growing crops for rebels and later after he was arrested by UPDF soldiers from his garden even when digging in his cassava plantation by the UPDF soldiers. They arrested and dressed him in army uniform, and they later killed him, then they fabricated a story and reported that Opoka was a rebel and he was killed in a battlefront fighting on the side of LRA.
Another case was a boy named Odida Churchill from Awac, a student of Awere senior secondary school. Odida was arrested when he was coming from school and he was even carrying his books, but he was arrested, taken to Gulu military barrack, and later UPDF soldiers said he was arrested in a battle fighting alongside rebels. He was tortured to death by UPDF soldiers, and so many others.Non-stop Torture and Ill-Treatment by the UPDFThe UPDF soldiers ever since has been arresting, torturing and detaining civilians in Gulu military barracks. Aida Lagulu was arrested and gang-raped during her detention there.
Tony Kitara, the local councilor-III of Bungatira, Gulu district, reported that he was tortured in Gulu barracks. AbuOpoka was arrested, tortured and detained in Gulu Military barrack on so many times for being a mother of suspected rebel collaborator. Recently she was found shot with other women whom the UPDF soldiers claimed they shot them unintended because they (UPDF) thought they were rebels.In a separate case, Stephen O, a twenty-five-year-old man from Layibi in Gulu municipality, lost a leg after UPDF soldiers shoot him outside a shop and later they came back to make sure he was dead. Stephen went on his bicycle to the trading center to buy paraffin. Just before he entered the shop some UPDF soldiers ordered the shopkeeper to close up.
Two of the soldiers came up to him, placed him under arrest, asked him about his home, and started beating him with the butts of their guns.One soldier, addressing Stephen in Kiswahili, ordered him to run but Stephen did not understand him and ignored the order. The other soldier, from Teso in eastern Uganda, told him (in a language he understood) to run "otherwise I would be shot. I started to run and they shot at me. They hit me in my leg."The Teso soldier ordered many people around the shop to leave. stephen lost consciousness and woke up three hours later and started crawling into a nearby hotel. He heard the soldiers coming back to check on him and one said, "I told you the guy's leg was not shot properly, so he escaped."Stephen hid under a bed in a hotel room but the soldiers, after more searching, found him and took his identification card. He played dead.
More soldiers came in and argued over whether Stephen was dead or not. Searching his belongings, they took 1,000 Ugandan shillings from his pockets, and left. Two soldiers came back, dragged Stephen from the room, and threw him into the bush. Early in the morning, he managed to reach a nearby house and ask for help.Stephen's leg was amputated in Lacor hospital in Gulu but he did not take his medical form, describing his injuries, to the police afterward. He did not see any reason for doing this because, "There are so many people who were shot by UPDF in my area and nothing happened, nothing will happen when I bring the form to the police because even police is part of them."Torture is inflicted on some people held in military detention facilities by UPDF soldiers. After David O. was arrested for alleged collaboration with rebels, UPDF soldiers under the command of a second lieutenant, whose name David provided, burned David O. by pouring melting plastic from a jerry can over his shoulders and back.
The incident was reported to a local human rights organization. According to the report, David O. was initially arrested by members of the Kalangala Action Plan, and the torture allegedly took place in their presence. Subsequently the case developed its own momentum.
The UPDF arrested and reportedly tortured members of David O.'s family inside the army detachment to force them to disclose the name of the person who had reported the case to the human rights group. Under coercion, they provided the name of the paralegal of Olwal IDP camp, who was then arrested and kept in detention at the army detachment in Olwal camp.David O., the torture victim, was asked to pay 35,000 Ugandan shillings for his release. He was later sent to the hospital for treatment of his back, which was badly injured.A sixteen-year-old Peter O. who was abducted by the rebel of LRA but managed to escaped from the rebels was shot at by the UPDF when he was approaching a roadblock, even when he was pleading that he is a civilian.........
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Your honor sir, to night I came to as son at the same time as future president of not only Uganda but the entire United States of Africa, down on my knees, feel I should not resort to you but I have no optional left, I am pleading for new phone but has the similar functions so that my political activities, on line services, press conferences etc may not be cut off I request you to help me pastor..............
It was a sad inxplenable moment this week`s 16:37 GMT Tue-19th- May-09 at Pastor Peter Sematimba`s final rally at Natete sports grounds. I had just taken president Museveni`s picture to be used on a special report on my site and when i returned it to it`s bag on my waist ,i didn`t recognise it when i attempted to take another picture.I had just bought this N96i phone 10/04/09 from Nabila Mobile phone supliers at Zainab Aziz emporium- Level 1 shop no 16 william street Kampala City. This phone honetly has bin my everything in covering my Press conferences with Videos,Audio,Pictures,Bluetooth services,storage contacts 1000,inspirational games,dual lines,internet services my God to mention but a few.Comrades the loss of this phone willaffect our website services beacuase it`s the one i have been using.I registered the case at Old Kampala Police Station SD REF 23/20/05/09 THEFT OF MOBILE PHONE to help me track and get. The thug who stole it had told when i called on it to give it to me back if i could give him money but i ened up waiting for three hours in the place he hadb tol;d me and by 9:00pm that day it was off upto now.+256773137566/256702137566 were the lines in this grey phone.Comrades in case u would like to help acquire a new one do not hestate to call my cousin brother Abraham Brondon on
+256776633899 or
email me at .
P O BOX 3977 Kampala.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
David Oyedepo, general overseer of Living Faith Ministries aka Winners Chapel has grown to become an oak tree in Christendom. His 50,000 capacity worship centre known as Cannanland in Otta, Ogun State , has attracted Christian worshippers from within and outside the country. Newswatch learnt that in the last 10 years of his ministry, many barren women have given birth to babies after attending his miracle programmes. Many more claimed that they received healings, secured employment, financial breakthroughs, turn-arounds in their respective businesses and deliverance from ancestral curses.
Oyedepo?s motivational, faith-building teachings have also endeared him to many. As part of his outreach programmes, the church acquired an aircraft in 1996 to facilitate his evangelism programmes to countries outside Nigeria . Tagged "Gospel on Wings," the programme was launched as an arm of the World Mission Agency Incorporated - the organ responsible for foreign mission operations.
Today, the church is said to exist in every state of Nigeria and in some other African countries. Oyedepo has more than 20 books published by his Dominion Publishing House to complement his soul- winning efforts.
I awas invited to attend his three day convetion in Kampala Hotel Africana but got so bussy.
I missed it but hope to fly to Nigeria to experience the powerful teachings of this man of God.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I would like to send greetings to the following. They are not the only people i treasure in life but the list is endless yet the time so limited. My mother Ms Esther Nassuna( Director Tumutende Infant School-Namasuba) Sister Zipporah Mukebezi (Working with Fashion Wear-Luwum Street) Brother Brian Ssenkungu (S.6 student Zanna Standard High School) Brother Emma Kiwananuka-Nabingo,Sister Lillian Nakiwara
Tomorrow i am celebrating 20 (twenty) years and my first 20 years have proved significant indeed giving alot of hope for my continent and the entire world. No body knew the destiny of Barack Obama,Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Martin Luther King Jr, George Washington , Nelson Mandela,Lucky Dube,Benn Hinn or Amin Dada..
Thirty four billion eight hundred thirty six million four hundred eighty thousand . "It was 5:04am on the Sunday morning of 14 May, 1989 at Supreme hospital, Old Kampala when planet earth received you!" Says my mom, Ms Esther Nassuna. "At 3:00am i experienced labour pains and and what followed latter was a vox wogan one of the expensive vehicles of the drove me. I remember within the course of the journey near shell Kazzi the car experienced some technical faults and the driver had to fix it. In spite of all that, God was so good that everything went smoothly till when we reached to the hospital maternity ward. However one of the puzzling event that happened at your birth is that the doctor took over 30 minutes to recognise your lively hood. Normally when kids are born ,doctors or nurses pinch them and they cry so as to understand that the baby is alive . Unlikely other babies like i have said we got worried so much as you could not cry much as the doctor did so an latter you did an d we smiled at the Innocent new young one." Well that`s my story my people.
My achievements in the last nineteen years are so many.
I`ve managed to keep my record as the African youngest virgin politician, youngest Law student, managed my weekly press conferences,participated in many big conventions an conferences such the 2007 Common Wealth Heads of Government Summit (CHOGM) the list is endless.
Tomorrow i am celebrating 20 (twenty) years and my first 20 years have proved significant indeed giving alot of hope for my continent and the entire world. No body knew the destiny of Barack Obama,Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Martin Luther King Jr, George Washington , Nelson Mandela,Lucky Dube,Benn Hinn or Amin Dada..
I would like to send greetings to the following. They are not the only people i treasure in life but the list is endless yet the time so limited. My mother Ms Esther Nassuna( Director Tumutende Infant School-Namasuba) Sister Zipporah Mukebezi (Working with Fashion Wear-Luwum Street) Brother Brian Ssenkungu (S.6 student Zanna Standard High School) Brother Emma Kiwananuka-Nabingo,Sister Lillian Nakiwara (S.3 Buroba High) Brother Ssennono Abraham Brondon (Assistant Pastor World Possesor`s Namasuba Entebbe Rd), Ps Bweyinda David Nakafero Zelubabel (Redeemed Church-Massajja), Accrobatic Mission Fellowship -Chaired by Mr Najja Nsubuga Musoke-Najja Uganda Ltd & Mr Ssemakula Edward Crown Garments-Grand Imperial Hotel,Cine Club-National Theater chaired by Esther Vaqeu-E-Creations shop- National Theater,Amakula Cultural Club,Director Mr Wante Elijah & students of Law Development Center,Principal-Kanyinke Edward & Students of EDN Campus ABMA-City Center Complex, Vice Chancellor-Livingston Lubobi & Students of Makerere University,Stuff of American Embassy, stuff of National library of Uganda, Chairman Joshua & Memebers of Uganda Joint Journalist Association,members of Face book,Hi5,Blog comunity,users & stuff of Google,listeners of BBC& RF,subscribers of DSTV,Dr Abedi Bwanika,John Ken Lukyamuzi,Dr Kizza Besigye,Hon Jaberi Bidandi Ssali,listeners of CBS Fm,supporters of Express Villa,Man U funs,Dr James Nsababuturo,Robert Sego-USA,Esther Najjemba-USA,friends around the world and members of the East African community.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Blessed is the hand that giveth....
The needy people will always be with us in the society said Jesus and it`s our responsibility for us whom God has trusted with his treasury to to give out to the poor,orphans.disabled and minorities generously.
comrades this young man who is half a British and half a Ugandan by names of Fansio Kutesa 13 years living with his grand mother residents of Masajja B Zone-Namasuba Parish,Makindye Sub country,Wakiso district,Central Uganda-East Africa is unlikely to not to finish his Primary Seven.
Here is his Story according to the old woman-Grand ma Justine Nakiyinji Babirye -50years.
"This grand son of mine was dumbed by her month when he was 11 month old and she disappeared up to now.
Initially the mother was in love her fellow classmate of almost the same age who made her pregnant at 17 years.
This young man was a son of a British who lived in Lubaga-Kampala suburb during the era of President Idi Amin Dada who had made me pregnant and in 1972 when Amin was expelling the Asians, he too left the country living the baby of 2month to me.
I raised the young man up to 18 years when he impregnate the classmate and also disappeared from and when Fansio was dumbed to me at 11 month i`ve taken care of him up to now."
"Fansio is now 13 years but i can`t move her any further ,you understand my son Earnest (telling me) i used to work for D.K,"(David Kanyerezi,owner of D.K Hill School Namasuba Entebbe Rd) where i attended my O.Level and A.Level partially and this lady had been nick named "Jaaja Cups" because her work was to prepare porredge for the students.
" And when i i could no longer work any more i left which meat that Fansio who could study on my salary would not proceed any more.
Today I m my legs are so weak with pain and that's why I only taking care of those pigs...
i sincerely n`t know the fate of my grand son after failing to continue with education."
Well my people I looked at the old lady and prior soon i`ll bring you her pictures but this is Fansio the young man so far.
We can help the young man while he claims his future education career.
Who knows weather he could be a very important persons in this country or bak to his home land in U.K?
Please contribute some thing monthly or annually.
Contact me for further details on
Mobile +256773137566
Blessed is the hand that giveth.
Monday, May 4, 2009
...Honestly this is what this country has been but it will only stay in books for our descendants to read and I m sure they will ask why Sir Winston Church Hill named it so because of what they will be seeing-for their will be nothing to back up his statement! ..................
We shall strive to see that such species of nature continue to survive
Monday, April 20, 2009
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