We were flabbergasted that on Tue 12th Jan 2010 the Uganda Police Force had been heavily deployed on Parliament Avenue against two Ugandan Citizens who aimed at exercising there constitutional rights.
A 29, 41, 42 & 43 of our magnificent 1995 constitution doesn´t warrant UPF giving permission to people who wish to demonstrate.
Demonstrating as long as you do not interrupt or negate national peace & security or disrupt others is very legal.
Under the Police Act, UPF is meant to offer security to people like I , Stephen M & Peter Clever Birimuye who desired to enjoy this constitutional Right as we intended to oppose the NRM 3 day Meeting in Entebbe State House as we had proclaimed on Thur 7th Jan 2010 during Press Conference.
Police men were armed, had batons and tear-gas and created a situation of tension in Kampala as if we were in Baghdad Capital-what a shame!
Anyway before we would even demonstrate, I and Clever were asked to go to CPS along side police cops. Stephen wasn´t at the scene but was called latter.
We were interrogated for 6 six hours by police bosses who included;
1-The Regional Police Commander
2-Assistant Supretendant of Police Afande Julius
3-Detective Mutabazi
4-Metro-politan Division Police Commander- Mr. Andrew Suluwen.
The 3 of us were detained at CPS for two nights and two days and later alone charged for Interfering with Or Resisting the Administration of the Law by Refusing to follow the Police Advices and Directives c/s 56 (2) (a) (VI) and 58 (a) of the PCA which we regard not to be true.
We know that we were Wrongfully Arrested and Wrongfully Detained-This is Malicious Prosecution and before the eyes of God is not Okay!
We shall appear again to the Buganda Rd Magistrates Court on Wed 3rd Feb 2010 at 8:00am.
We appreciate the Press & Media, our Party, Families and Lawyers not forgetting Ugandans who stood alongside us through out this traumatic and stigmatized moment while Reclaiming the Authentic Dream of of Our Nation.
In the Face of Impossible Odds, People who love there country can change it; Hussein Barak Obama U S former Illinois Senator wrote.
I and my two Party Officials who bear charges in Court consider ourselves Heroes. We should be put in books, celebrated every year during Heroes Day because we are worthy it.
We are not rapists or aggravated defilers, robbers or corrupt-we are citizens who are fighting abiding with Law but Reclaiming our Nation´s Dream so must we be recognized, admired, cherished, supported and appreciated.
One Day we Shall be Free!!!!
We ask the Human Rights Commission and others Human Rights Activists to Inspect all detention Centers now because we came to realize during our detention that many suspects complained for not having been produced before since there arrest. Some said that they have been detained for a month, some weeks and of course many more than 48 hours as required by the Supreme Law of the Land.
God help us.
Government must not deny this.
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin
People´s Development Party National Coordinator. www.kivumbi.vox.com