The revolution of change, as we reclaim the dream of our Nation must not be fought by politicians and journalists or even religious and culture leaders alone.
The time is now for musicians, authors, publishers, filmmakers, business community and students to join us.
Music artists should stop or cease to sing about love every time as if it’s the only topic. Love is nature and can never be taken away from us but there things we are going through as a country that require maximum attention.
These people should start opposing evils like homosexuality, nepotism, corruption, indecency, abuse of human rights; what stops them from demanding for reinstating of two presidential term limits, Electro Reforms or even murder?
Musicians should not go to prison for singing hatred music against there colleagues but they will be counted heroes if they go to jails for talking advocating for justice, equality and good governance.
If Uganda is to be a great nation so must it be but with collective responsibility and fight.