Thirty four billion eight hundred thirty six million four hundred eighty thousand . "It was 5:04am on the Sunday morning of 14 May, 1989 at Supreme hospital, Old Kampala when planet earth received you!" Says my mom, Ms Esther Nassuna. "At 3:00am i experienced labour pains and and what followed latter was a vox wogan one of the expensive vehicles of the drove me. I remember within the course of the journey near shell Kazzi the car experienced some technical faults and the driver had to fix it. In spite of all that, God was so good that everything went smoothly till when we reached to the hospital maternity ward. However one of the puzzling event that happened at your birth is that the doctor took over 30 minutes to recognise your lively hood. Normally when kids are born ,doctors or nurses pinch them and they cry so as to understand that the baby is alive . Unlikely other babies like i have said we got worried so much as you could not cry much as the doctor did so an latter you did an d we smiled at the Innocent new young one." Well that`s my story my people.
My achievements in the last nineteen years are so many.
I`ve managed to keep my record as the African youngest virgin politician, youngest Law student, managed my weekly press conferences,participated in many big conventions an conferences such the 2007 Common Wealth Heads of Government Summit (CHOGM) the list is endless.
Tomorrow i am celebrating 20 (twenty) years and my first 20 years have proved significant indeed giving alot of hope for my continent and the entire world. No body knew the destiny of Barack Obama,Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Martin Luther King Jr, George Washington , Nelson Mandela,Lucky Dube,Benn Hinn or Amin Dada..
I would like to send greetings to the following. They are not the only people i treasure in life but the list is endless yet the time so limited. My mother Ms Esther Nassuna( Director Tumutende Infant School-Namasuba) Sister Zipporah Mukebezi (Working with Fashion Wear-Luwum Street) Brother Brian Ssenkungu (S.6 student Zanna Standard High School) Brother Emma Kiwananuka-Nabingo,Sister Lillian Nakiwara (S.3 Buroba High) Brother Ssennono Abraham Brondon (Assistant Pastor World Possesor`s Namasuba Entebbe Rd), Ps Bweyinda David Nakafero Zelubabel (Redeemed Church-Massajja), Accrobatic Mission Fellowship -Chaired by Mr Najja Nsubuga Musoke-Najja Uganda Ltd & Mr Ssemakula Edward Crown Garments-Grand Imperial Hotel,Cine Club-National Theater chaired by Esther Vaqeu-E-Creations shop- National Theater,Amakula Cultural Club,Director Mr Wante Elijah & students of Law Development Center,Principal-Kanyinke Edward & Students of EDN Campus ABMA-City Center Complex, Vice Chancellor-Livingston Lubobi & Students of Makerere University,Stuff of American Embassy, stuff of National library of Uganda, Chairman Joshua & Memebers of Uganda Joint Journalist Association,members of Face book,Hi5,Blog comunity,users & stuff of Google,listeners of BBC& RF,subscribers of DSTV,Dr Abedi Bwanika,John Ken Lukyamuzi,Dr Kizza Besigye,Hon Jaberi Bidandi Ssali,listeners of CBS Fm,supporters of Express Villa,Man U funs,Dr James Nsababuturo,Robert Sego-USA,Esther Najjemba-USA,friends around the world and members of the East African community.