The likelihood of me attending this memorial lecture today by Prof Amazrui –New York is unlimited.
Prof is expected to address over 700 university students in the university main hall today at 2:00pm.
From my inquiries with different politicians and scholars from various universities this week, we expect the MUK alumni to leave no stone unturned!
Instilling and inculcating revolutionary ideals of nationalism ad pan Africans in minds of the young generation is a must phenomenal-him being the son of the land.
We also expect him to empathize with the students whose fees has been hiked with 20-30% increment.
Above all we expect this lectures to unveil various loopholes ahead of 2011 Uganda Presidential elections.
I’ll be there guys with John Ken Lukyamuzi, Amazrui long time comrade.
See you there if you can please.