, scientists have confirmed this.
Lake Victoria and many other water bodies have continuously been polluted-garbage, sewage and industrial chemical waste have not ceased to be dumped there, and God help us.
Ugandans remember the previous reductions of water levels which resulted into load shedding.
Do we want this to happen again?

We know that the safest way of reducing climate risks is to reduce emissions.
We know that taking early actions makes good business sense.
And we know the cost of inaction will be much bigger than the cost of action now.
The People’s Development Party says that the time has come and indeed the time is now;
We must change our attitude towards the environment and climate, we better get serious.
We may never get a better opportunity and if the world’s scientists are right, we may not get a second chance!
World leaders are meeting early next month in Copenhagen Denmark; we must harness the necessary political will to Seal the Deal on an ambitious new Climate Agreement.
I have the list of Ugandans who have Sealed the Deal so far but it’s quite embarrassing that the people I expected to be on list have not! Those politicians, Government officials, Members of Parliament, Ministers, Activists yiyi not even our Head of State!
Which explanation can they give?
There always on the internet, even those who can’t access it would do it from the Post Office on Kampala Rd since the banner has been there for the last 3 month.
Are they against or for climate crisis?
The chance is still open at the Post office and on sealthedeal2009.com for all people to sign.
They should go now before the summit.
The right kind of Deal will provide the regulation certainty and long term price signals that businesses are demanding.
We know that Deal can unleash investment, stimulate innovation and facilitate the global spread of Low-Carbon Technology to enable trade to underpin development, spread green solutions and usher in the green economy.
We live in an interconnected world.
Effective agreement in Copenhagen would be a powerful vote of confidence in multilateralism.
God bless Uganda
God bless our planet.
Kivumbi Earnest Benjamin